Discover the Nailover loyalty program

The more you spend, the more points you earn!

Join our loyalty program and earn rewards with every purchase

Earn Nailover Points every time you shop with us! Redeem your points for exclusive discount codes up to 20% off on your future purchases.

To start earning Nailover Points, you must register for an account or log in .

The more you buy, the less you spend!

With each order you will receive points to accumulate and you will be able to redeem your DISCOUNT COUPONS IN THE NEXT ORDER from time to time, upon reaching the thresholds.

Every euro spent corresponds to a Nailover point, the more you spend the more you accumulate!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does the loyalty program work?

After registering or logging in, you will be able to access the Nailover Loyalty program.

During your first registration you can immediately get your first 10 POINTS!
With each order you will receive points to accumulate and you will be able to redeem your DISCOUNT COUPONS from time to time when you reach the thresholds.
Every euro spent corresponds to a Nailover point, the more you spend the more you accumulate!

For your birthday you will receive 50 Points!

2. How can I accumulate points?

By registering, making purchases, entering your birthday into your account

3. Where do I find my points?

If you just signed up, you will find your first 10 points directly in your account and in the icon on the right at the bottom of the page.

If you place an order, you will find the points in your account when you pay and ship your order.
If you paid by bank transfer or cash on delivery, you will see the points within 2/3 working days.

4. How many points do I need to have to get discount coupons?

50 Nailover points equal 5% discount

100 Nailover points equal 10% discount

350 Nailover points correspond to a 20% discount

5. How can I use the coupons I earn with points?

When you reach the points levels you will receive an email with the discount code to use. You will also find the same code inside your account.
The coupons that are redeemed can be used directly in the cart during the checkout phase, inserted in the appropriate box.

6. Can I use coupons on all orders?

Coupons can only be used once and cannot be combined.
Coupons can be used on your future orders and depending on the type, require a minimum purchase in the cart:

5% on a minimum order of €50
10% on a minimum order of €150

20% on a minimum order of €250

7. How long do I have to use my points?

Points are valid for 1 year